
发布时间:2019-10-22 8:30 





英国商会(BCC)总干事亚当·马歇尔(Adam Marshall)表示:“即使在几周内能够有序地退出欧盟,英国经济仍将面临许多问题。”

“不可否认的是,脱欧带来的不稳定性确实给商业带来了沉重打击。另外,除了要与欧盟达成协定,政府还需要为英国商业投资制定新的激励政策,并且要无条件支持大型基础设施项目来促进英国经济的增长。 ”

就目前商业环境的糟糕现状,英国董事学会(Institute of Directors, loD)要求英国和欧盟在脱欧的问题上能够达成妥协。

首相Boris Johnson和他的政府一直表示如果不能达成协议,他们将在10月31日尝试推动无协议脱欧。但议会上周通过的法案旨在阻止这一进程。


IoD 的欧洲和贸易政策负责人Allie Renison说:“企业正面临着一种不可能的局面,因为他们必须提前做好准备,应对可能同时发生并且规模空前的全面变革。协议脱欧确实是一个很大的问题,但是一再拖延并且毫无进展对公司而言也是非常不利


UK GDP forecast down as no-deal threat increases

The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has dropped its UK GDP growth forecast for 2019 from 1.3% to 1.2%

A further cut from 1.0% to 0.8% in 2020 is now predicted but 2021 remains unchanged at 1.2% in 2021, said the business group. 

It follows a similar downgraded economic outlook from ICAEW, which last week reduced its GDP predictions from 1.5% to 1.1%, against a background of continuing Brexit uncertainty, falling business investment and declining output.

“Our latest forecast shows a number of warning lights are flashing for the UK economy, even if we are able to avoid a messy and disorderly exit from the EU in just a few weeks’ time,” said Adam Marshall, director general of the BCC. 

“There’s no dancing round the fact that Brexit uncertainty has hit business investment hard. In addition to reaching a negotiated settlement with the EU, the government should be preparing big new incentives for business investment in the UK, and should reconfirm its unconditional backing for the big infrastructure projects our economy needs to unlock growth, he added. 

Also today, the Institute of Directors (IoD) has called on the UK and EU to compromise to chart a way forward on Brexit. It says businesses are facing an “impossible situation”. 

Prime minister Boris Johnson and his government have been steadfast in their willingness to attempt to push through no-deal Brexit on October 31st if no agreement is struck, despite a a bill passed in Parliament last week that aims to stop it. 

The IoD’s survey found that a slim majority would prefer a further extension of Article 50 over a no-deal Brexit, but that both options raised concerns among business leaders. Most would prefer a deal was agreed. 

“Firms are facing an impossible situation as they try to prepare in advance for the possibility of simultaneous sweeping changes on an unprecedented level. The idea of leaving the EU without a deal in place is certainly the bigger concern, but the prospect of repeated delays with no clear path forward is far from an appetizing prospect for enterprise,” said Allie Renison, head of Europe and Trade Policy at the IoD. 

Nearly a third of IoD members have started “engaging” with relocation as part of their Brexit contingency planning, with 14% indicating they had already moved operations or were in the process of doing so.