发布时间:2019-12-26 20:17
针对2020-2021年度企业报告和审计工作的专题审查,英国财务报告委员会(FRC)表示会考虑将国际财务报告准则第15号和第16号(IFRS 15 和IFRS 16)在公司报告和账目上的应用,连同现金流和流动性披露一起作为专题审查指标。
针对IFRS 15(来自客户合同产生的收入),FRC指出在最近关于准则应用的研究报告中获得了一些发现,将对这些发现深入研究。
同时,FRC根据IFRS 16(租赁)准则,在对企业中期报告的审查中发现企业没有披露在实施新准则过程中所出的具体判断以及对账目造成的影响。
FRC reveals thematic review targets for 2020/21
Companies have been warned that the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) will be considering their application of IFRSs 15 and 16 to their annual report and accounts, along with cash flows and liquidity disclosures, in the coming year.
The regulator will also consider the effects of the decision to leave the EU on companies’ disclosures as the fourth of the thematic reviews of corporate reporting it intends to carry out in 2020/21.
As far as IFRS 15 (Revenue from Contracts with Customers) is concerned, the FRC says it will do “a deeper dive” into certain findings set out in its recent report into the standard’s application.
While the report found that most of the companies sampled provided sufficient information to allow users to understand the impact of adopting the standard, there was room for improvement by all companies.
For instance, companies could improve on their explanations of accounting policies for revenue recognition such as the specific nature of performance obligations and when they are satisfied.
Similarly, the FRC’s review of IFRS16 (Leases) in interim reports found that companies could make betterdisclosures, for instance, about key judgments made on adopting the newstandard explaining the specific judgments made and the effect on the accounts.
Cash flow disclosures were picked because companies regularly make basic errors in the cash flow statement which is “unsatisfactory”. “Investors require reliable and thorough analysis of how cash is generated and spent, and the figures presented in the cash flow statement are used as the starting point for a number of performance measures,” it points out.
As well as Brexit disclosures, the FRC says its review team will contribute to a planned FRC-wide project on Climate change disclosures in companies’ annual reports.
Targeted sectors for review – which it regards as “particularly high risk in terms of corporate reporting and audit by virtue of particular economic or other pressures” – include financial services retail, construction and materials and manufacturing.